
While this documentation aims to be complete there might be sections that are out of date or features that are undocumented. That is why the ViciBox documentation was moved to GitHub and implemented using Read The Docs. The goal is to encourage other contributors to help maintain the ViciBox documentation.

Knowledge and Skills

The documentation is made to be user friendly for beginners but some basic knowledge is assumed. If you are not comfortable with basic network environments, working with a Linux shell, or editing configuration files it is highly recommended to find someone who is. You will also need to have a basic understanding of your network environment since everyones will be somewhat unique.

You will be required to interact with the command line interface in order to install and setup ViciBox. While this can be done directly from the server itself it’s highly recommended to connect via SSH. You can use an SSH Client such as PuTTY or through the native ‘ssh’ command if your operating system supports it.